I'm Ema

A Product-led

Software Engineer

I’m passionate about crafting scalable products and apps that get balance between user experience and fast development.


Some things
I've worked on

  • RocketCode4000+ students

    Pre-recorded programming courses platform.

    NextJS, Vercel, Sendgrid, ReactJS, Firebase, Typescript, Amplitud

  • Superb50+ users

    Token economy boards to reinforce behaviors in therapy for children.

    Vercel, React Native, Typescript, Expo, Play Store


I love what
I'm doing

I have been in the software development world for 15 years. I began as a freelance, then joined an agency, working on various projects, including game development. Later on, I transitioned to a large company where I gained experience in scalability, quality, and leadership teams.

Now I work in technical consulting, creating apps, and helping to improve product discovery and delivery for startups.


Lets work

Contact me and let me know what you want to build. I'll be happy to contribute.